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Memories of the Occupation in Greece

Oral History

The sisters Chryssoula Eliasaf and Fortune Gani, survivors of the Holocaust. Photo Projekt: Artemis Alkala.

The sisters Chryssoula Eliasaf and Fortune Gani, survivors of the Holocaust. Photo Projekt: Artemis Alkala.

Oral History in the Project

Contemporary witness interviews, recorded in the context of oral history interviews, are an important basis for preserving memories.



Interview Methods

Although the time of the occupation is the primary research interest of the project “Memories of the Occupation of Greece,” the interviews that are conducted cover the entire life of each contemporary witness.



Preparing the Interviews

After the conversations with the witnesses are recorded, the second step is to edit the videos.




A collection of reading material about oral history provides an overview of the methodology.




A collection of links shows a number of projects that integrate oral history.
