The Interview- team with survivor of concentration camp Mauthausen, Stavros Papoutsakis, Meskla, Chania, Crete, 14 June 2016
Project Description
The project “Memories of the Occupation of Greece” preserves the memory of Greek contemporary witnesses of the German occupation of Greece under the Nazis. Their accounts are recorded, researched, and made available on an online platform.
Course of the Project
The interviews were conducted, indexed and supplemented with additional source material and made available online.
The Collection
The collection of video interviews contains life story interviews with 91 contemporary witnesses of the German occupation of Greece under the Nazis (1941-1944).
Funding and Cooperation
The project is financed by the Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, the Stavros Niarchos Foundation, the “Memory, Responsibility and Future” Foundation (EVZ), and Freie Universität Berlin. A cooperation has been established with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.