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Memories of the Occupation in Greece

Memories of the Occupation of Greece

In Germany, very little is known about the German occupation of Greece. In Greece, however, the occupation and the crimes committed remain very present. For the project “Memories of the Occupation of Greece” 93 biographical interviews with Greek contemporary witnesses have been filmed. Their memories of the occupation will be preserved for the future and edited for presentation on the internet.

Information about the project

A film about the project

Inside Hitler's Greece

The Second World War remains invisible for the visitors who flow into Greece during the summer, relaxing on the sunny beaches or getting accustomed to the ancient ruined temples and theaters. But for those who know where to look, behind the fences of the old abandoned Jewish villas, the scars from the wounds of the Nazi occupation era still exist.”

Mark Mazower, Inside Hitler's Greece, 1994: 407


Freie Universität Berlin
Foundation Remembrance, Responsibility and Fzture
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens